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Media Specialist

I am a media specialist available for services including 

but not limited to:

  • Photography + editing photos

  • Videography + editing videos

  • Animating graphics

  • Advertising + social media management

  • Website + resume design

I completed my BA Honours in Contemporary Media Cultures at the University of Arts London where I wrote my thesis on the impacts of mediatization on charities and their fundraising efforts. I'm originally from England but I spent much of my life living in California. I have had a passion for media for as long as I can remember and am always looking for opportunities to acquire new skills. 


When I was three, my mum would give me disposable cameras to take pictures of the world around me. Since then I have progressed from disposable cameras and broadened my skillset from photography to videography to graphic design. I have created videos for every end of the spectrum. From punchy graphic videos and still content for marketing firms to educational pieces for school districts and non-profits. My true passion is creating content that makes people consider and question the world around them.

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